Open API
Service App
  • 사회자 약자 안심
    This service delivers positional information of the socially vulnerable (the elderly with dementia, disabled people, children, infants) by using security CCTV network, safety tags, and IoT network, to ensure their safety.
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    스마트 미아방지
    Based on an IoT network with free data communication, this service notifies guardians of positions of children and when they leave the safe area for swimming within Haeundae beach.
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    실시간 파킹
    This service allows drivers to check available parking spaces in Haeundae through the mobile and web, improving efficiency and convenience for parking as well as improving traffic and safety in the city.
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    스마트 매장관리
    This service monitors use and status of various electronics used in a store, store conditions (temperature, humidity, illumination, fire detection) and number of visitors, for effective store management.
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  • 스마트 횡단보도
    To prevent car accident around crosswalks, this service uses a system that detects pedestrians and cars, thereby, reducing car accidents, accident rate, and fataility rate, as well as relevant social and economic loss.
    Smart maritime safety
    To secure golden time for maritime safety, this service responses to disasters and accidents and rescues people rapidly and efficiently, based on real-time monitoring of seas and other sites that are difficult to access by using a drone.
    실시간 가로등
    To prevent car accident around crosswalks, this service uses a system that detects pedestrians and cars, thereby, reducing car accidents, accident rate, and fataility rate, as well as relevant social and economic loss.
    스마트 빌딩 에너지 절약
    As part of the global smart city project, bidirectional watt-hour meter and sensor are installed in the Busan city hall in order to monitor and analyze energy consumption and effectively reduce and manage energy
Things internet-based Global ICT Busan
Beyond Busan domestic IT-related technologies and services center
Urban innovation hub It will lead roles.